Project Overview
The Containerized Sports API Management System is a cloud-based solution designed to expose real-time sports data through a REST API. It leverages Amazon ECS (Fargate) for containerized application hosting, Amazon API Gateway for managing API endpoints, and an external Sports API for retrieving sports data. This project highlights best practices in container orchestration, API management, and secure AWS integrations.
Project Features
✅ Exposes a REST API for real-time sports data retrieval
✅ Runs a containerized backend using Amazon ECS with Fargate
✅ Implements a scalable and serverless architecture
✅ Manages API routing via Amazon API Gateway
Before starting, ensure you have the following:
Sports API Key: Sign up for a free account at SerpAPI to obtain an API key.
AWS Account: Set up an AWS account and understand basic concepts of ECS, API Gateway, Docker, and Python.
AWS CLI Installed & Configured: Install and configure the AWS CLI to interact with AWS.
SerpAPI Library: Install the SerpAPI library using:
pip install google-search-results
Docker CLI & Desktop: Install Docker to build and push container images.
Technologies Used
Cloud Provider: AWS
Core Services: Amazon ECS (Fargate), API Gateway, CloudWatch
Programming Language: Python 3.x
Containerization: Docker
Security: IAM roles with least privilege access
Project Structure
├── # Flask application for querying sports data
├── Dockerfile # Dockerfile to containerize the Flask app
├── requirements.txt # Python dependencies
├── .gitignore
└── # Project documentation
Setup Instructions
Step 1: Clone the Repository
git clone
cd DevOps_Challenge_Day4/containerized-sports-api
Step 2: Create an ECR Repository
aws ecr create-repository --repository-name sports-api --region us-east-1
Step 3: Build and Push the Docker Image
Authenticate Docker with AWS:
aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>
Build and tag the image:
docker build --platform linux/amd64 -t sports-api .
docker tag sports-api:latest <AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>
Push the image to ECR:
docker push <AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>
Step 4: Deploy to Amazon ECS (Fargate)
Create an ECS Cluster
Open AWS Management Console → Search for ECS
Click Clusters → Create New Cluster
Name the cluster (e.g.,
)Select Fargate and click Create Cluster
Create a Task Definition
Navigate to Task Definitions → Create New Task Definition
Name it (e.g.,
)Select AWS Fargate
Add a container:
Container Name: sports-api-container
Image URI:
Port: 8080
Add Environment Variables:
Deploy the Service with an ALB
Go to Clusters → Select sports-api-cluster → Create Service
Select Fargate as capacity provider
Choose sports-api-task
Set desired tasks to 2
Create a new Security Group with Inbound Rule: All TCP, Source: Anywhere
Use Application Load Balancer (ALB)
Listener: HTTP (Port 80)
Health Check Path:
Click Create Service
Verify the ALB by copying the DNS name and accessing:
Step 5: Set Up API Gateway
Open AWS API Gateway Console → Create API → REST API
Name the API (e.g.,
Sports API
)Create a Resource:
Create a GET Method:
Integration Type: HTTP Proxy
HTTP Method: GET
Endpoint: ALB DNS + ``
Deploy API to prod stage
Copy the Invoke URL and test:
curl https://<api-gateway-id>
Cleaning Up AWS Resources
To avoid unnecessary costs, delete the resources:
aws ecr delete-repository --repository-name sports-api --force
aws ecs delete-cluster --cluster sports-api-cluster
aws elbv2 delete-load-balancer --load-balancer-arn <ALB_ARN>
aws apigateway delete-rest-api --rest-api-id <API_ID>
Lessons Learned
✅ Setting up a scalable, containerized API with ECS and API Gateway
✅ Deploying applications using AWS Fargate without managing EC2 instances
✅ Managing API requests efficiently using AWS services
Future Enhancements
🔹 Implement caching with Amazon ElastiCache for frequent API requests
🔹 Use DynamoDB to store user-specific queries and preferences
🔹 Secure API Gateway with IAM-based authentication or API keys
🔹 Automate CI/CD for container deployments
This project provided hands-on experience in container orchestration, API management, and cloud-native deployments. With AWS services like ECS, API Gateway, and ALB, we successfully built a scalable and secure API management system for sports data. 🚀
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#DevOps #AWS #Containerization #APIManagement #ECS #Fargate #Docker